Samu -Paralysed by 2 Israeli Bullets
Crush the voice of humanity
Mohammed writes to the centre of chaos
Protective Edges
Dear children from 'Protective Edge'
Cupola of Kuzaa mosque after the barbarians left
Our common humanity
Exercise in prison yard
Imprison cartoonists
Brave Zionists
Little brother Ibrahim - shot by IDF
No room at the inn
joy of soccer - then violent death
Torah no help
Violent repression by all force
Bars for the bodies. Scars for the minds.
Uniforms - last gifts from D&D
Children yearning for fathers
Collective and terrible punishment
Ride for Palestine
That child is my child
Precious work for him and the children who will wear the uniforms
boys with their new uniforms September 2010
One brave world citizen among over 600
Abed Rabbeh with his title deeds
Japanese surgeons and nurse in Nablus
No water, no life
Samah with mother and reporter
young love in Gaza
Top in the tawjihi in spite of all
Mud bricks and bricks of Palestinian fortitude
Mahmoud seeing and blind - hearing an ant
I could see before
Tents again - 60 years after el nakba February 2009
Gaza fishermen repairing nets
Gaza fishermen repairing nets
Viva Palestina enters Rafah gate
Distraught mother
Bright girl - what future?
American School-destroyed in shoah
Paralysed by two Israeli bullets
Sue - Dartmoor
That child is my child
That child is my child
Dr Mustafa Barghouti - cheerful in Gaza
Linda and Khalil with Sandra White MSP
Fares, 14, with stone October 29 2000 Gaza. He was shot dead 2 weeks later.
New IT centre for Assalama Charitable Society
Kifah gives birth to Ahmad in the street - in the Holy Land
Imprisoned but learning to connect
Opening day 21 July 2007 Gaza City
21 July 2007
Mohammed aspirated meconium - at a check point
Nihad Taha before the terror
Ikhlas. One of the youngsters being helped by sponsors here in the UK.
Sea horses and horses being readied for washing in the sea.
On an island of calm. Gaza city -on the coast road.
Sawaf (weaver in Arabic) who wove the carpet wool we took to Gaza.
Mohammad recovering well from a severe head injury (RTA). Dr Elessi of El Wafa Hospital and Neil Young of the Western Morning News.
Elemental happiness. Gaza, close by the old harbour.
Jawwal (mobile phone company) employee rendered paraplegic at L2 by automatic fire at Khan Younis checkpoint
One of several nursery classes with 'dubs'- teddy bears. Run by Association of Young Muslim Women in Gaza.
Uniforms being made in sewing room of the Association of Young Muslim Women.
Hammad -yellow shirt - aged 13 with family, Mum and step Mum.
Alley in Rafah. Brown steel piling is the 'fence'.
Young men with Neil Young - a common sight. Rafah.
Ruins in Rafah. You can count the shell holes but not the rifle and cannon pock marks.
The home we saw in February where a shell containing flechettes had exploded on impact in January. (See newsletter No1) Photo on return in September.
Rafah - an apartment facing Egypt.
Adli's cousin with 4 of his 6 girls. Rafah.
In spite of all, some smiles in Rafah.
Young boy with spastic diplegia and severe L equinus deformity from added RTA. Easy to cure.
Arafat's palce. Pic: Phil Ireland
55 tonnes of aid. Pic: Phil Ireland
Another bleak street. Pic: Phil Ireland
Beach camp refugees. Pic: Phil Ireland
Bombed refugees. Pic: Phil Ireland
Brother. Pic: Phil Ireland
Life on board 1
Life on board 2
Life on board 3
Life on board 4
Life on board 5
Life on board 6
Life on board 7
David Halpin looks out to sea from the MV Barbara
Anchors away
John Maughan, Stuart Lawley, John Hingley and David Halpin almost ready to set sail
John Maughan, Busker of Boscastle who sang a farewell song to the crowd of well-wishers on the quay
The last waves as they sail into the night
Sue Halpin loading fresh food aboard M V Barbara. Ref PW 85/31
David, Sue and daughter Fiona on departure day
Salam - a message of peace.
Ref. PW 87/2
Pic: Joanna White
Barbara ready to sail with Torquay's evening sky as backdrop.
Ref PW 87/5
Pic: Joanna White
Dove and Dolphin team set off
Ref: PW 88/21
Boscastle Busker ready to sail
Ref PW 88/20
Pic: Joanna White
John Hingley & Stuart LAwley on Barbara. Ref PW 87/9. Pic: Paul White
Bridge-eye view of loading. Ref: PW 87/22. Pic: Paul White
John Hingley dockside in Torquay. Ref: PW 87/10. Pic: Paul White
Ian Taylor pic of Barbara leaving Torquay
I an Taylor's pic of Barbara coming home
Checkpoint. B&W. Pic: Phil Ireland
Food at last. Pic: Phil Ireland
Funeral day. Pic: Phil Ireland
Girl in ruins. Pic: Phil Ireland
Hanyuness refugees. Pic: Phil Ireland
Stu wrapping. PIc: Phil Ireland
The MV Barbara at Beacon Quay in Torquay
David Halpin in front of the MV Barbara as loading begins
Loading the MV Barbara at Beacon Quay
David Halpin in the MV Barbara's mess
Skipper Heine Hestoy supervising loading. Ref PW 86/35. Pic by Paul White.
The Dove and Dolphin Optics Centre opens Saturday 21 July 2007 in spite of all. Well done.
children maimed in 'protective edge'