21 July 2024

To the Dear Children of Palestine and thus to all Dear Children.

David Halpin FRCS writes on Sunday the 21st of July AD 2024 At tea time yesterday, Sue had a message from Mahmoud Baroud PhD who is in Gaza with his wife Mona, and their 6 children of age - about 33 down to 23 years. We know them well because they spent 3 happy years here in England whilst Mahmoud read for a thesis at Exeter University. I can ‘see’ the family playing on the lawn here in sunshine about 14 years ago. There was great happiness and that was made greater because Tim Williams and Andi his wife had made the family so welcome and done all to help. You see that many mothers and fathers throughout our most wonderful world believe and follow that command of ‘love thy neighbour’. You have heard of Moses perhaps?

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10 July 2024

"We Can Defeat the Lobby' Professor Ilan Pappe published in the Palestine Chronicle July 9th 2024

We Can Defeat the Lobby – ILAN PAPPE July 9, 2024 Palestine Chronicle Photo - Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University.: عباد ديرانية - Own work, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=147749568) By Ilan Pappe – The Palestine Chronicle The sight of the children buried under the rubble, salvaged by older children, is enough for me and, I am sure, for anyone who was ever silenced by the lobby, not to cave in but to overcome any hurdles they put in our way of speaking truth to power. Nine months into the Israeli genocidal assault on the Gaza Strip, it seems that its parallel attack on freedom of speech on Palestine is continuing with intensity, making it difficult for the general public to appreciate the reality in Palestine beyond the manipulated and distorted coverage offered by mainstream media.

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06 July 2024

An Holocaust Starting on October 10 AD 2023

I receive bulletins from Leslie and Marian Bravery every day. There is usually a 3-4 day delay as they gather reports from the Palestine Monitoring Group based I believe in Ramallah. All the text below is copied from the bulletin covering the 4th to 5th of July While the Occupation is business as usual for Israel, there should be no business with Israel In Occupied Palestine Zionism in practice Israel’s Daily Toll on Palestinian Life, Limb, Liberty and Land 08:00, 04 July until 08:00, 05 July 2024 Israel’s Daily Toll on Palestinian Life, Limb, Liberty and Land 08:00, 04 July until 08:00, 05 July 2024 [Source of statistics: Palestinian Monitoring Group]

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19 June 2024

Doctors tortured to death? The Israeli Minstry of Jusctice is investigating but a 'gag' order is in place

Many medical staff of all grades have been murdered in Gaza eg paramedics, as well as about 150 UNWRA staff, and over 100 journalists. The Palestine Chronicle records the likely murder under torture of these two doctors – Iyad Rantisi and fellow orthopaedic and trauma surgeon Adnan al-Barsh. Every life is sacred but the torture of healers, and their consequent and likely murder is especially vile.

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30 May 2024

The continuum of fascism: the culmination – an holocaust in Gaza - in Palestine

The holocaust in Gaza, now in its eighth month, plumbs ever deeper depths of elemental evil. The word is Greek in origin - holokaustos ‘burnt whole’. Merriam Webster – 1: a sacrifice consumed by fire 2: a thorough destruction involving extensive loss of life especially through fire - a nuclear holocaust 3: usually the Holocaust : the mass slaughter of European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during World War II 4: a mass slaughter of people. The native people of Palestine have been subject to all of the above except a nuclear holocaust although one member of the Israeli ? cabinet suggested this might be applied to the 2.2 million fellow humans in Gaza – although he and many of his fellows of similar psychopathy did not regard the families in Gaza as ‘humans’.

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25 May 2024

Message from Mahmoud Baroud PhD currently in Deir Albalah ex Rafah ex Gaza City ex Bier Saba 1948

Sue and me are friends of Mahmoud Baroud. He was reading for a thesis here in Devon at Exeter University in about 2008. His thesis was the ‘influence of Arabic literature on the English novel.’ His focus was on Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. He was and is Senior Lecturer in English Literature at the IUG - the Islamic University of Gaza with its 20,000 students – from nursing to IT etc etc. Now the fine buildings and the many archives are rubble under the genocide of the native people started with planning in 1948. Rubble too are most homes – the temples of the family I have called them, most hospitals, mosques, clinics, UNRWA schools etc. Add to this the deliberate targeting of journalists, medics and political leaders – via ‘lavender’ and ‘gospel’! The counted dead now stands at c. 36,000 but there will be at least 10,000 putrifying under concrete. Added to this are those dying of gas gangrene, other wound infection, diaorrheal disease of multiple cause, malnutrition – whilst the world watches. This most terrible genocide, streamed live, is fully supported by the US, and many other ‘western’ nations – the UK especially, with the leaders of the two main ’parties’ clear in their support. They will be indicted.

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27 April 2024

A mother - in white, with her dead child in Iraq. A scupture - with words - by May Ayres

May Ayres is an artist, with her small frame' stands high in our tortured world. Her draughtmanship and her sculpting in stone ware is exceptional in conveying the essence of human evil and the most terrible suffering it causes. As I have said to her - her work will not be in the Tate with bisected sharks in formalin, with gliteratti gathered about adding thousands of dirty pounds by talking up the merits before them. But - by hook or by crook, we must make sure May's work and life will be there for many generations to come.

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27 April 2024

Open Garden - Kiln Shotts, Haytor - for The Children of Palestine

The Voyage of the Dove and the Dolphin started on the First of February 2003. Search 'eyes open gaza you tube' - https://youtu.be/CdTJG2ZswUg This 20 minute pastiche of broadcast interviews and of filmed evidence in Gaza shows clearly that a genocide was well advanced 21 years ago. Professor Ilan Pappe's book - 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine' tells that it started in 1948 and in the most horrific ways. But the world 'passed by on the other side. Since the October 7th 'break out' and in the six months since, this genocide has reached its culmination - its apogee. That is the point in a planet's orbit when it furthest from its pivot.

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02 April 2024

UK government hides vital legal advice - re arms to Israel.

“The Foreign Office has received official legal advice that Israel has broken international humanitarian law but the government has not announced it.”

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25 March 2024

Sole survivor - Farouk Mohammed Ahmed

Farouk Mohammed Ahmed is the only survivor of one of many mass executions carried out by the Israeli army in the Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza City. In a video interview, which was published in Al-Jazeera and other news outlets, the boy described what happened to him and eight others, including his father and his brother, when they were taken hostage inside the hospital.

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17 November 2023

A poem by Nahida Yasin - A Palestinian by Birth

Nahida writes from her heart, but in the most terrible anguish as she sees her fellow countrymen in Gaza massacred by massive force. For instance - the carpet bombing of the Gaza concentration camp has so far been equivalent in force to two Hiroshima nuclear fission bombs. The occupier of her land caused the 'displacement' in 1947/8 of 750,000 men, women and children by the terror of many massacres then ('The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine' Ilan Pappe) and by armed might. Half of those refugees fled to Gaza which had a population of only 70,000 until 1948. It has been killing, imprisoning and often torturing the native people ever since. For 5 weeks it has been deliberately killing and maiming civilians, including the killing of over 4000 children. It adds the total deprivation of water, food, electricity, medical supplies, communication etc It heaps on to its crimes the destruction of hospitals with the killing of staff and patients.

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13 November 2023


There is nothing hateful Suella Braverman in speaking up for a native people whose land and thus their living was robbed using armed force and terror - Deir Yassin - April 1948. One of about 24 massacres designed to strike terror in a mostly pastoral people. You shame the name of the UK government. I have spoken up for my sisters and brothers in Palestine since February 2003 https://youtu.be/CdTJG2ZswUg 20 minutes - and will continue to do so against your vile threats.

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02 November 2023

Gaza is Hamas’s Iron Dome – The Symbol of Palestinian National Struggle.

David Halpin FRCS adds this. The zenith of elemental evil is now seen in Gaza, the dear people of which welcomed me and my fellows in February 2003. See Eyes Open Gaza - a film of 20 minutes. Website - dhalpin.infoaction.org.uk/ The most terrible suffering of the people was seen then but now it is beyond words. There is a continuum of fascism going well back before WW2. The 'fascist' - 'the one who delights in crushing the life out of others'. They are there in Westminster, in our 'Mother of Parliaments', in the Senate and Congress of the US, and in the EU. As Antoine says, they are all complicit - in the oppression of this noble people for more than the 72 years, and their dehumanisation. Most humans are innately good - the mother with her baby on her breast the icon. People power (Pilger) will now see to it that Palestine will be Free.

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14 July 2023

Hidden horrors

A letter that highlights hidden horrors. The Tamimi family are targeted because they are eloquent and resist - always.

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07 March 2022


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made an impassioned plea for support to American Jewish leaders on Monday, comparing Russia's invasion to the Nazi German army steamrolling across Europe.

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29 January 2017

Palestinian teenager dies in Gaza after Israel denies him access to hospital

17 yr old boy with a congenital heart defect needed care in 'Israel' or the Makassed Hospital in Al Quds. Refused entry at Erez x4 - would not agree to be a collaborator

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06 November 2016

Limbless in Gaza. Guess who caused that?

A good British Christian sent a gift of money to three humans, one a dear little girl.

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29 January 2016

The torment of truthful Palestinian journalists in the Zionist entity

Israel has a history of targeting journalists either with live ammunition or otherwise by abducting them

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10 January 2016

Allegations - throwing stones, setting a fire

On 13 December 2015, a 16-year-old youth from Qaryout is arrested by Israeli soldiers at 2:00 a.m. and accused of throwing stones and starting a fire near a settlement.

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13 December 2015

I find these gatherings strangely uplifting. There is so much love.

It is sometimes hard to develop the spirit of Christmas under occupation. On Friday 17 Palestinians were injured by Israeli occupation forces in Bethlehem including a friend of mine.

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01 November 2015

Israeli dum dum bullet leads to amputation of the lower leg of a 13 yr old boy.

Dozens attend 'funeral' of 13-year-old's amputated leg in Bethlehem Oct. 31, 2015

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25 October 2015

Who build up Zion with bloodshed, and Jerusalem with wickedness!...

The Palestinian people have never suffered so much as now. Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh Professor and Director Palestine Museum of Natural History, Bethlehem University OCCUPIED PALESTINE continues to speak in love and with truth.

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02 October 2015

3yr old girl and 5 yr old boy shot by IOF 'soldiers'

Israeli forces wound two small Palestinian children: Where's the outrage? Anywhere. Our world sinks further into slime.

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13 February 2015

UK Labour Party Candidate Beaten and Arrested by Israeli Soldiers at Protest in Palestine

Alexandra Halaby - IMEMC & Agencies - Human rights activist and English political candidate, Mick Bowman, alleges he was beaten and arrested at a peaceful demonstration in Palestine on Friday.

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27 January 2015

The most cruel 'displacement' and oppression of Palestinians in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of East Jerusalem

Mohammed Al Kurd speaks from his heart and for all Palestinians. Will President Obama respond?

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06 January 2015

Mahmoud Baroud PhD gives us an update from the ghetto which is Gaza

Mahmoud, a peaceful lecturer in English, is barred from travelling to Portugal to take up a scholarship. The Egyptian high command collaborates with the Zionist entity to imprison them all.

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10 October 2014

Our friend, Dr Mahmoud Baroud, reports from the scene of a gigantic crime.

Mahmoud, the father of six children, and husband of Mona exchanged e-mails with me recently. I can imagine the terrible suffering.

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01 October 2014

Almost insurmountable problems in Gaza from the recent, massive Zionist assault

Dave Clinch, of the North Devon Palestinian Solidarity Campaign reports his conversation with Mohammed Soliman

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22 September 2014

British MPs are behind Zionist barbarity - bar a few.

I am sorry I have not kept this site going. The evil flows in day by day. I will attempt to post relevant/interesting pieces from now on.

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18 April 2013

Israel bars Gaza runners from Bethlehem marathon Published yesterday (updated) 18/04/2013 23:29

Israel has refused to grant permission to 26 runners from the Gaza Strip to travel to the West Bank to run in the first Bethlehem marathon on April 21, officials said on Thursday. Maan.

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11 April 2013

Photographer shot in face with rubber coated steel bullet by Zionist in Aida Refugee Camp

Israeli soldiers target a Palestinian photographer who was taking pictures of them invading Aida Refugee Camp, shooting him in the face with a rubber-coated steel bullet.

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09 April 2013

Israeli Court Sentences Palestinian Cartoonist to 5 months imprisonment

TEHRAN (FNA)- An Israeli court sentenced a Palestinian cartoonist to five months in jail and ordered him to pay a 10,000 shekel fine, his lawyer said.

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04 April 2013

Omsiyat Kamal can feel no joy. She feels guilty for not helping her dying brother Ibrahim

As Palestinian Child Day is celebrated on 5 April, Omsiyat Kamal 'Awaja (15) is one of many Palestinian children for whom the day, like every other, will be marked by unbearable loss and suffering.

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08 January 2013

No room in the inn. Christmas in Gaza 2012

Received from Gaza 24 December "Meanwhile in Gaza.... a family gathers around a bonfire for warmth in the ruins of their home, bombed to rubble in the latest Israeli offensive against the Palestinian people.

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15 November 2012

13 yr old Ahmad shot dead whilst playing soccer

Ahmad Abu Daqqa was shot in the stomach by an Israeli soldier while playing football outside his family’s home in the southeast Gaza Strip on 8 November. (Eyad Al Baba / APA images)

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02 August 2012

Letter to Exeter Synagogue pleading for its help in releasing Mays' daddy from administrative detention

15 year old Mays Hanatsheh, her mother and her sister want Walid, the father, to be released from administrative detention under the Zionist entity. Sam Bahour asked us to write to local Jewish communities.

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02 July 2012

Palestinian Authority police thugs beat demonstrators. 10 hospitalised

Palestinian Authority 'police' thugs beat demonstrators. 10 hospitalised. Prof Hassassian, envoy of the PA in London, is silent.

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27 June 2012

Imprisonment and torture of Palestinian children condemned

UK ready to take on Israel over fate of children clapped in irons. The Foreign Office revealed last night that it would be challenging the Israelis over their treatment of Palestinian children .......

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27 January 2012

A temple of the family is destroyed.

In the dark of night this past Monday, January 23, the Israeli Occupation Force carried out its own Price Tag assault on ICAHD, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions.

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17 January 2012

Ramadan aged 9 goes to heaven with his father

This family were sleeping when the ruthless people who had taken their land by force and terrorism in 1948 bombed their house.

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16 October 2011

Your final gifts to some of the poorest children of Gaza

Winding up the Dove and the Dolphin has been sad and slower than we wished. The trustees agreed that the $37000 should be spent on having uniforms made in Gaza for as many poor children as possible.

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25 July 2011

Granny Goes to Gaza - part 2

Tricky inwards journey, smiles in Gaza, equally tricky outward journey. But consider having a cancer that needs surgery outside Palestine, and being Palestinian.

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16 July 2011

Children cry for their fathers

There are at least 10,000 Palestinians in 'Israeli' gaols. Some have never been charged and there are many political prisoners. Children in the internment camp which is Gaza cannot see and hug their Dads.

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07 May 2011

Granny goes to Gaza

Susan makes her third visit to Palestine as one of the trustees of the Dove and Dolphin. 'Israel', does its best to stop her via its surrogate, Egypt.

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25 April 2011

Susan and myself are off to Gaza

Susan and myself are off to Gaza. The objects – solidarity first and foremost, the Dove and Dolphin, and for me to speak with the medical students of the Islamic University.

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15 March 2011

Vengeance wreaked. No evidence of Palestinian guilt.

The Fogel family were stabbed to death in the illegal settlement of Itamar. It is likely the culprit was a Thai worker who had not been paid his wages. http://www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?id=212177&R=R3

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26 January 2011

Ride for Palestine 2011

Riding veteran motor cycles to Palestine to highlight the pledge to boycott goods from illegal Israel settlements. Please support the Palestinian people. Now over 500,000 people are living illegally in the 'West Bank'.

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27 December 2010

The murder of many innocents in Gaza two years ago is remembered

DCI - Defence for Children International provides these words. We share our tears with them and with those many in Gaza who lost their loved ones.

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10 December 2010

The supermarkets in the western nations are bulging

Nihad Taha, our representative in the Gaza which is the world's largest internment camp, prepared a brief survey of conditions there 13 November 2010.

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06 November 2010

Nihad Taha 'our man' in Gaza speaks

The nations of the world remain silent about the siege which started in 2006 and about the indescribable suffering of the people in Gaza. The nations are complicit in their silence. They do not speak and there is no end.

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23 September 2010

975 uniforms made for girls and boys

There is extreme poverty in Gaza. Half the breadwinners have no jobs and 80 percent live below the poverty line. The gift of a uniform is welcome.

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01 September 2010

A bullet in the leg for 3 shekels?

Hasan W was collecting gravel near the border with 'Greater Palestine' with about 100 others. He was shot deliberately by a 'soldier' of the entity

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10 August 2010

The Dove and Dolphin. What is it up to?

We continue to be very effective in completing practical projects which help the poorest people and which are good value for money.

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04 July 2010

Nihad in the UK for 10 days. Dove and Dolphin update

Finally at the beginning of June Nihad flew into Heathrow from Cairo after a slow journey which included twelve hours in a locked room at Cairo airport.

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15 June 2010

Gaza comes to Devon

Nihad Taha represents the Dove and Dolphin in Gaza. We could not get to him, so he has come here.

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04 June 2010

The real story from Mavi Marmara: They were shooting to kill

The Israeli massacre of unarmed campaigners aboard a ship carrying aid to Gaza is the "Sharpeville and Soweto of the Movement for Palestinian Solidarity," one of those who survived the bloodthirsty assault has said.

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03 March 2010

I cannot live without this place

Abed Rabbeh clings to his ancestral land. His sons, who live in Dheisheh 'camp' will stand sentinel against land robbery when he goes.

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20 February 2010

Try running a little business in a medieval siege

The Dove and Dolphin decided to make loans of 1,500 USD to help small businesses get off the ground - a small way of helping 50 per cent unemployment in males. The difficulties are explained.

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08 February 2010

Appeal from Addameer (conscience) on behalf of Hana aged 27

A customary night time arrest of this young lady. Note the interrogation methods - banned by Tokyo Declaration of World Medical Association. Were doctors involved at all - even by knowing?

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01 February 2010

Solidarity with the occupied people of Palestine. The reality now in Gaza.

I 'phoned my brother doctor, Khamis Elessi last Juma. It was late and he sounded tired. The wonderful news of the success and expansion of the Al Jazeera Sports Club for the Disabled .....

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08 December 2009

PCATI report finds new Israeli war doctrine targets civilians

Unwritten 'rules of engagement' insured greater loss of life and maiming of civilians during the greater shoah 27 December 2008 to 18 January 2009.

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21 November 2009

Without water there is no life

Amnesty International spells out the racist distribution of water in Palestine Palestinians without water

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16 October 2009

'Why didn't you leave me to die?'

Samah was shot in the head 5 years ago by an Israeli sniper. She has recovered largely and wants to be a doctor. During the shoah - holocaust, she was still and silent. 'Why didn't you leave me to die?'

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26 August 2009

Young love in Gaza

So I thank God every day for sending Rana. She not only made my son happy, but she made all of us smile when we thought we would never smile again." Father of Mahmoud

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26 July 2009

Families celebrate academic excellence amidst the siege

Although I was extremely upset by the Israeli attacks from air, sea and land, I told myself that I must succeed in order to fight the Israeli occupation with my own way, education!

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24 July 2009

Samar - six months from being paralysed by Israeli bullets

Samar is helped to be as independent as possible in Belgium. Her parents fear her return to Gaza

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05 July 2009

They never give up. The disabled people of Gaza will be helped by the Dove and the Dolphin.

The Al Jazeera sports club will be better able to help the disabled people. There are many thousands and some thousands more have been added by the recent shoah. The Alfulaij family gave thirty thousand pounds in memory of their father and husband.

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26 May 2009

Khaled aged 17 throws a stone at the apartheid wall and gets 3 months in prison

He also alleges torture - blindfolding, handcuffing, being kept out in the night, hosing with water, dogs. The occupier is using British Mandate 'Law'. It contravenes international laws and humanity.

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12 May 2009

No cement so we build houses with what earth we have

No steel rods or cement are being allowed into Gaza after the shoah. So its mud bricks and Palestinian spirit

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05 May 2009

Mahmoud had sight; now he does not

Aftermath (8) Life is blind In this series of personal testimonies, PCHR looks at the aftermath of Israel’s 23 day offensive on the Gaza Strip, and the ongoing impact it is having on the civilian population.

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16 April 2009

Refugees of Gaza demand basic human rights, including the right of return

The Refugees of Gaza as well as abroad demand that their basic human rights, right of return and self determination which is recognized by UN resolution 194 and International law.

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12 March 2009

Taking the food from the mouths of children

The fishermen of Gaza have been attacked throughout the second intifada. Since the shoah, limit reduced from 6 to 3 miles.

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10 March 2009

Tears of joy on the Via Maris

The vanguard of the Viva Palestina entered Gaza yesterday. Others wait on the Egyptian side to be 'processed'. But there is great joy.

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23 February 2009

One family - one shoah -holocaust (continued)

A reporter from the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights describes a little of the suffering of one family whose house has been made rubble

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22 February 2009

One family - one shoah (holocaust)

A reporter from the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights describes a little of the suffering of one family whose house has been made rubble

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30 January 2009

Sonia Robbins, plastic surgeon, gives us more insight into the shoah

Sonia Robbins, plastic surgeon, gives us her insights into the shoah. Medical staff and people still shell shocked ........

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28 January 2009

Two academic institutions and one hospital damaged or destroyed

Two academic institutions and one hospital damaged or destroyed - adding to the very long list of crimes.

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20 January 2009

The full extent of the shoah is being revealed.

The deputy 'defence' minister, Matan Vilnai, promised the Palestinian people of Gaza as 'shoah' - Hebrew for holocaust. Now the UK broadcast media has access to Gaza, the full horror is being revealed.

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17 January 2009

D&D gets first relief to Gaza - 20,000 pounds sent urgently

The bombing started 27 December. Later there was the 'ground offensive'. At least 400 children have been killed, at least 1200 humans in all and 4000 injured -phosphorus burns included.

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24 December 2008

No let up in the draconian siege

The torment of the Palestinian people in the remnants of Palestine has never been greater

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06 November 2008

In memory of Professor Gareth Rees Millington Yorkshire

Professor Gareth Rees, Director for Environmental Health at the Robens Centre for Public Health, was an internationally acknowledged environmental scientist and author in the field of microbiology, water quality and public health.

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04 November 2008

Three months have slipped astern quickly. A nautical theme and at last a report.

Sue and I had our week's summer holiday in Cyprus. Sue was cooking for forty Free Gaza folk, with some help from me, and I instructed them in safety at sea.

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10 August 2008

Cries for freedom

Rallies are being held at Al Arish/Rafah, in Cairo and in Edinburgh. The cry is 'Set These People Free'.

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27 July 2008

How is humanity getting on?

Will humanity vanquish gross and unlawful oppression?

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07 July 2008

Bon voyage Khalil Al Niss and Linda Willis

This couple have decided to take precious medical supplies by road to the prison which is Gaza. They set off on Thursday 10 July.

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05 June 2008

I believe this will prove to be productive visit

I made my ninth visit to Palestine in May – but only to the remnant which is Gaza

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16 May 2008

Under the heel of forty nations

At no time since the start of al nakba in 1948 (in fact it started in 1946) have the people of Gaza suffered so much.

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21 April 2008

Al Wafa suffers direct hits but no deaths or physical injuries of patients 16 April 2008

In the early hours of the 16th of April, it is understood the El Wafa hospital was surrounded by Israeli Mercaver tanks. There was a battle between Palestinian freedom fighters and Israeli invaders.

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14 April 2008

D&D provide IT room for the Assalama Charitable Society

The Dove and The Dolphin Charity have provided most of the funds for this IT centre where disabled people can learn these skills. There are eight 'computers' with their monitors.

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29 March 2008

A happy day for the children of Lajee Youth Centre, Aida 'Camp', Bethlehem

Despite the desperate current situation in Palestine, Lajee continues to attempt to provide what it can for Aida Camp’s children. Well done Nidal, Salah, Rich and all at Lajee

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24 March 2008

Safe return for two. No return for one hundred and thirty souls.

Sue and David returned safely from Gaza two weeks ago. They left tragedy and endless tears behind them.

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28 February 2008

Off to Gaza

David and Sue are off to Gaza - for the charity, for a medical symposium where David will speak on water and the education of doctors in Palestine. and to stand for justice.

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12 January 2008

Born at a check point - grossly disabled for life

Mohammad Khalil was born at a checkpoint. He inhaled meconium, the contents of his intestine. This might anyway indicate previous anoxia. In his case there was no expert care and the anoxia continued.

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11 January 2008

Bring out a mattress - Ahmad joins us in the street

At 3am on Monday January 7th, Ahmad Sider was born in the street ten metres from an Israeli checkpoint in Hebron, after Israeli soldiers prevented his mother from passing for 25 minutes.

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10 January 2008

The powerful own the law: collective punishment is a crime

The collected misery of the Palestinian people under a brutal occupation is impossible to measure. Some words from the heart of one doctor shed some light, candlelight.

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30 December 2007


A report in the Bristol Evening Post by a lady who gave support to a Palestinian farmer in picking olives on his land - not land promised to anyone else.

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16 December 2007

Dr Sarraj reports to Israeli 'Peace' Groups

The 1.5 million people of Gaza are trapped like mice, hungry mice. They are looking for crumbs. The actions of Israel and many nations are beyond all law and morality.

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10 December 2007

Nihad on skates. No 8 Newsletter link

Nihad has come back within 24 hours with details about the IT room for the disabled and the small business scheme - rabbit growing included!

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09 December 2007

Very stormy waters. Voyage of the Dove and Dolphin holds course.

Drugs in short supply or absent. Those needing specialist help outside Gaza are rarely allowed through. Fuel and electricity are being pinched more. Do not look at the seas about the vessel. Steam onwards to a safe port.

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08 December 2007

The people of Gaza have never suffered so much as now

If you live in the ghetto which is Gaza, do not get ill. Is your wife approaching term with her pregnancy? Pray to Allah, because there might be no nitrous oxide for her pain relief, or for an anaesthetic if she needs an emergency Caesarian delivery.

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30 October 2007

Fred finishes Venice marathon

Fred Jenkins offered to run a marathon for the D&D some months ago. In spite of a disturbed training programme, he did well and support is good.

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16 August 2007

How to help

Fred Jenkins writes that he has booked his flights for the Venice marathon. Many friends have pledged support already. This explains how people can make their donations to this very good cause.

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04 August 2007

Nihad reports from CCAST where we funded the IT laboratory

Prime Minister Ishmail Haniyeh and many other leaders were present at CCAST when the donors were thanked. The D&D was at the head of that list.

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28 July 2007

Marriage of Louise, friend of Gaza's children, to Matt on this day

Louise Bould was the first person to support a gifted youngster in Gaza with a monthly standing order. The boy was Hammad.

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21 July 2007

Optics Centre opens in Gaza City today

Nihad Taha brought this idea forwards about 3 months ago (see message 13 May). Eye tests and spectacles are now made possible for the poorer children and adults.

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24 June 2007

Running for love of humanity

Fred Jenkins from Plymouth, Devon is a careers adviser and marathon runner. In this, the 59 ninth year of al nakba - the catastrophe - he is taking part in a marathon in Beirut.

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23 June 2007

Helping the precious education of three young people in Aida camp by Bethlehem

Education (Latin -educare - to bring up) And it is greatly respected in the remnants of Palestine. Dr Chris Burns-Cox puts his money where his heart is.

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21 May 2007

Palestinians are resilient - we know

See the story about our way of testing poor childrens' eyes and if necessary supplying spectacles at much reduced cost.

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15 May 2007

The Pressure Cooker is Hissing - as Planned

A siege was laid against the people of the ineptly named 'West Bank' and Gaza in March 2006 by 30 nations.

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13 May 2007

Dove and Dolphin Optics Centre in Focus

With 85% of the Gazan population now living below the poverty line, spectacles are the last thing people can afford. So read on.

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28 March 2007

Doctors learn a lot from their colleagues in Gaza

The second voyage continues. A great deal has been learned and friendship made solid. The group will be challenging the completely unacceptable status quo.

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17 March 2007

Seven doctors to teach and learn in Gaza - second voyage of the D&D

The Dove and Dolphin International Medical Centre at El Wafa hospital has been planned by Dr Khamis Elessi and David Halpin for over two years. It is now opening.

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16 February 2007

British doctors to Gaza

Six senior British physicians and surgeons are going to Gaza on 18 March 2007 to teach, to learn and to stand with their sisters and brothers.

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01 February 2007


A symbolic voyage of solidarity and protest to Gaza via Ashdod slipped its moorings four years ago from Haldon Pier, Torquay. Secondly, it was also a protest against what was to be unleashed weeks later and a plea for reason.

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17 January 2007

Occupied territory

An Israeli human rights organisation sets down what is known. One third of the Palestinian population lives in Gaza. It is occupied.

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03 January 2007

Malicious web site withdrawn

The web site called 'Give Them Tomorrow', which was set up several months ago, has just been withdrawn.

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23 December 2006

Peace on earth, and mercy mild. There is no God but Allah.

483 Palestinians, 306 of whom are civilians, including 92 children and 30 women, have been killed by IOF (Israeli Occupation Force). In the Gaza Strip alone, 405 Palestinians, 243 of whom are civilians, including 84 children, 28 women and 4 paramedics, h

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29 November 2006

The water costs four times more than in Israel. What about the water tanks?

I noted there was no drinking water tank at the boys' secondary school we visited in October. I asked Nihad to arrange for the D&D to provide one, as it had done for six other schools.

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28 November 2006

Take note of 'Give Them Tomorrow' - ''Charity Appeal for Palestinian Children''

It has recently come to our notice that the above web site exists. It purports to be raising funds for Palestinian children and uses our symbols and a copied page from the Dove and Dolphin web site. Businesses have been approached and if no donation was

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08 November 2006

D and D's man in Gaza speaks to BBC News from bloody Beit Hanoun

A lady journalist has been speaking to people in Israel and in the remnants of Palestine for several months. She first spoke to Nihad two months ago for 'Talking Point' - and now this.

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01 November 2006

Back from the remnants of Palestine

I have just returned from a 23 day visit to Palestine. The suffering has only been greater during el nakba in the summer of 1948.

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27 September 2006

Abu Saleem, his 'Blessed' Olive tree - Al Mabroukeh and Palestine

Palestine - Limb by Limb. The title of our seventh newsletter - now ready. This story came this morning from Richard Wiles in the ''West Bank''.

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01 August 2006

Bombardment at Beit Hanoun - Hell at Hanoun

The Dove and Dolphin representative in Gaza, Nihad Taha, reports from his home in Beit Hanoun in the north of the Gaza 'strip'. 24 hours of hell. Anyone wish to move there - its sunny.

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30 July 2006

Help needed urgently - you can contribute by Pay Pal. See 'How you can help us'

The people of Gaza are suffering more than ever. The previous messages describe the more mundane elements.

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24 July 2006

Occupying forces shooting tanks.

When people in Gaza can get some water, they need intact plastic roof tanks. Many have been punctured by bullets, or destroyed when the home or hovel below is destroyed. An appeal for support from Nihad.

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19 July 2006

British weather forecasters - 'Keep hydrated' Good for us.

Nihad Taha writes today. Finding a little water preoccupies most folk in Gaza, rich or poor. The population is overwhelmingly poor. Most of those fled from what is now Israel. Israeli citizens consume 6 times more water than the Palestinian people.

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17 July 2006


If one speaks for justice in Palestine.

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11 July 2006

They can bomb the power station, but they cannot bomb ideas. E-mail from Nihad.

The siege of Gaza by 29 nations broke all international law. The brutal invasion of Gaza has killed 55 persons, injured hundreds, and added further to the suffering of the 1.4 million people

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25 June 2006

Good news from Gaza

Reports on 9 scholars just received from Nihad

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28 February 2006

Plans for my visit to Palestine on 16 April 2006

A ten day visit. Hope to be joined by Yousef, one of our trustees, who is flying from Canada for the wedding of a younger brother.

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05 December 2005

Newsletter to supporters of Wadi Foquin Kindergarten

Linda's group visited there in October. Shaune and Robert Shearer were in that group. Shaune wrote a brief report at our request, and took some photos which have been distributed with the newsletters.

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14 October 2005

?Withdrawal from Gaza. Yes - but still occupied in law.

8000 settlers were encouraged to leave the 21 settlements in August. Along with the army installations, these settlements took up 30% of the precious 360 square kilometres. There has been a big sigh of relief but, as in any long continued occupation, th

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18 April 2005

Sixth newsletter at last

Our recent activities and future plans reviewed.

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17 April 2005

Our Man in Gaza Reports - His Perspective

Gaza survives

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27 December 2004


Dollars for scholars

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26 December 2004



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25 December 2004



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17 December 2004

Our new man in Gaza

Nihad Taha, with a BSc in computer engineering from the Islamic University - Gaza, has been appointed as our representative in Gaza for six months in the first instance. We welcome him to our little family.

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10 December 2004


A book keeper is needed to give skilled help to our charity for a few hours each month.

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11 November 2004

News letter No 5

A week for Sue and David in the West Bank with a group. A final week for David on charity business for the Dove and the Dolphin Charity in Gaza - a mixed experience.

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08 August 2004

News letter No 4 - see PRESS for this


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06 June 2004

Update - long overdue.

Container number 2 etc.

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12 April 2004

We must be as cheerfully resilient as the folk in Palestine.

The living conditions in the remnants of Palestine have never been worse. We must stand by them.

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10 April 2004

Eyes Open Gaza


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05 March 2004

A Day in the Life of the Dove and the Dolphin

A few examples of where our support lies.

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29 February 2004

Eyes Open Gaza again and again

The D and D charity was given £800 by Sue and David to purchase a good second hand video projector, powered speaker, microphone, 5ft screen and all the works fropm the excellent local Stock Answer firm. This has removed the cost of hiring the same kit fo

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25 December 2003


After 19 weeks in Ashdod, Israel the container was finally released 4 days ago. It passed through the Karnai checkpoint into Gaza today.

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22 December 2003

Happy release

Cargo of humanitarian aid released 19 weeks after arrival in Ashdod

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20 December 2003

Container still sits at Ashdod.


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07 December 2003

Container No1 sits at Ashdod

The container - filled with humanitarian aid - was offloaded in the port of Ashdod on 16 August 2003.

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22 November 2003

Camera wanted

Video and still recordings in Gaza

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18 October 2003

Dove and dolphin flag hoisted - charitable status achieved

An application for registration of our charity was first made in early April. It has been a long haul so hence the flying of the Dove and Dolphin flag.

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23 August 2003

Lustleigh Show today


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11 August 2003

Second tranche to Gaza.

Money to help the poorest get to school

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05 August 2003

World harmony from Chagford.

Successful sitar and tabla concert signals start of two week art exhibition for aid in Iraq.

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31 July 2003

Al Quds post-graduate doctors to visit.

Sue and I offered to put up any students or doctors from this fairly new medical school for short holidays.

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30 May 2003

Victorious in Bideford

Middle east

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29 May 2003

Lighting candles for peace.


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27 May 2003

Bolt from the blue


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24 May 2003

Adli visits from Gaza

Discussion on future course for the Dove and the Dolphin

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25 April 2003

Eyes Open Gaza Video


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21 April 2003

Charitable status - application

4 objects

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19 April 2003

Eyes Open Gaza

Arising out of the ashes

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15 April 2003

Voyage to Chagford


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13 April 2003

Fund raising lunch in Haytor

£505 added to funds

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01 April 2003

Our web site links.

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29 March 2003

David speaks at the Islamic Centre in Exeter

Shabir Ahmed, a trustee of the Centre, 'phoned shortly after the crew returned from Palestine to express appreciation of what we had done. He asked David to speak after prayers one Friday.

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25 March 2003

Sue and David attend a meeting in Glastonbury to hear Ibrahim Ahmad Abu El-Hawa.

This remarkable man travels the world with his friend Elihayu McLean speaking for peace and justice, especially in Palestine.

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20 March 2003

Storage solution!

The Dove and Dolphin have been offered an ideal facility on a farm of some good friends today. Feelers had been put out a few days ago for just such a place.

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18 March 2003

A long run to Runcorn

Banners collected from MV Barbara

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17 March 2003

Dove and Dolphin Voyage on radio

'Seven Days' 8pm 24 March BBC Radio 4

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15 March 2003

Adli reports from Gaza that distribution has been completed.

2200 families received our gifts of food,blankets and garments. We know that was all done punctiliously and with dignity. David is very tickled that the woollen yarn is going to be woven for wall hangings, bags etc. We hope these will be imported and s

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25 February 2003

How can I help?

Email from Pamela Trush

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25 February 2003

In dire need of assistance

Email from Brenda

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25 February 2003

What do you think? What can you offer?

Your chance to respond in thought and deed

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23 February 2003

How did you do it?

Email from Ron

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23 February 2003


Email from Andy

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20 February 2003

Following progress

email from Jack and Ruth

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19 February 2003

Happy homecoming

Email from Morning Star

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19 February 2003

Living the journey - message from Cheryl Maughan

Welcome homme message - email

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19 February 2003

Well done - from Jayne & Alan

Email message

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19 February 2003

Message from Mark


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19 February 2003

Message from Heather, Dave & Laurie


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18 February 2003

Appointment at Heathrow

Email message from Dr Hamami

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18 February 2003

message from Susie


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18 February 2003

Bottle open?

Email message from Neil Young

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17 February 2003

Immigration officers

Message from David Halpin in the sun

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17 February 2003



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17 February 2003

Message from Brixham


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16 February 2003

Thoughts with you


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16 February 2003


Email message.. good luck

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14 February 2003

Enthusiastic support


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12 February 2003

On leaving Malta

Rough seas, missed calls, carriage rides and 1,000 miles to go

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12 February 2003

Good luck message

Thoughts with the Dove and Dolphin mission

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12 February 2003

Coastwatch greetings

Hoping things ging well - from the man in the wheelchair

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12 February 2003

Family hello

Message to Uncle David

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12 February 2003

On leaving Malta

Rough seas, missed calls, carriage rides and 1,000 miles to go

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12 February 2003

New pictures

Fresh pictures wired in

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12 February 2003

Good people. Good engine. Good food.

Commentary by David Halpin on the early days of the journey

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09 February 2003

Message of pride

Email from Andy

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09 February 2003

Hoping all goes well...

Email message from Rosemary

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09 February 2003

News from sunny Shrophsire!

Message from Heather & DAve

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08 February 2003

Progress report received from David Halpin via email

We have now been at sea for seven days. The 'length' of the Med and the vastness of Africa is now plain to us.

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08 February 2003

Sharing a journey

Email message from Bobbie at Garamia

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08 February 2003

An inspiration!

Email from Emily to Dad

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07 February 2003

Of dolphins and minestrone

As the Barbara entered the straits of Gibraltar about two hours ago a pod of common dolphins joined us.

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07 February 2003

Email to big brother

Greetings to John Maughan

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07 February 2003

A captain's story

The thoughts of Heine

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06 February 2003

Gallant venture

Offering greetings and support

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05 February 2003

Email - greetings

Friends make contacts

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03 February 2003

Tears, jokes and a voyage of hope - Western Morning News

The MV Barbara departs Beacon Quay in Torquay.

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03 February 2003

Email -- charity status

Contact with web site

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03 February 2003

Email - inspirational project

Email to web site

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02 February 2003

First email

10.30 Sunday, just past Ushant.

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01 January 0001



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