16 August 2007

How to help

Fred Jenkins writes that he has booked his flights for the Venice marathon. Many friends have pledged support already. This explains how people can make their donations to this very good cause. We are hoping to have some T-shirts printed up with the Dove and Dolphin symbols and sold in celebration of Fred's marathon.

Payments can be made via PayPal on this web site - 'How you can help us' -
OR by cheque to the address at the bottom.

BUT all taxpayers should make a Gift Aid Declaration and send the completed form to us. This enlarges your donation by 28% which is a great help in fulfilling the aims of the charity. The central aim is to promote the health and education of Palestinian children.

Dove and Dolphin bank account:-

HSBC Bank plc, 42, Courtenay St. NEWTON ABBOT Devon TQ12 2EB

Account name - The Dove and The Dolphin Charity No. 1100119

Sort Code 40-34-31 Account No. 51468804


Gift Aid Declaration (for all UK taxpayers)

I wish the Dove and the Dolphin Charity 1100119 to treat all donations I make on or after the date of this declaration as Gift Aid until I notify you otherwise.



Then please send to The Dove and The Dolphin Charity, c/o Kiln Shotts, Haytor, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ13 9XR

Thank you