11 September 2024

9/11 vs Gaza 11.9.2024

 9/11 vs Gaza 11.9.2024

A 'thought of the day' for the world to take in, as America commemorates the 23rd anniversary of the attack on the

World Trade Centre in 2001.


Antoine Raffoul writes - architect and Palestinian refugee from 1948


Take in these facts:

One of the two Towers destroyed had a volume of 1.5 Million Sq.M. The estimated number of people killed in that act was 4,200.

The approximate total volume of destroyed structures in the Gaza Strip is 3.6 Billion Sq.M. This is equivalent to 2,400 Towers.

And the number of Palestinians killed in the Gaza Strip is 40,000 which is 4,000 times more than in the Twin Towers.


If the attack on the Twin Towers is deemed by America as an "Act of Terror", then the destruction and the resulting

deaths in Gaza are at least an "Act of Genocide".

If the perpetrators, 'Al-Qaeda', of the attack on the Twin Towers merited the title of a 'terror group' and had to be

pursued all over the world by America and its allies, then what would you call the Zionist Israelis who perpetrated

the Gaza genocide with the support and backing of America and its allies?


Antoine Raffoul, RIBA, ICOMOS(UK) Chartered Architect Director RDA Architects  11 September 2024



A good friend of Palestine - 'jewish' recalled an e-mail today that I shared


David Halpin      Sent: 26 December 2019 10:23 AM 

This to friends for Palestine, relatives and a few civic leaders.  Also to the Bishop of Exeter and Archbishop Welby.

From Vacy Vlazna in Australia, but via the Bethlehem ghetto.  Ghetto?  Yes.  I know it well and our erstwhile Dove and Dolphin charity helped the Aida young people - refugees from the 1967 'war'.  No Palestinian male under 35 years is allowed to leave.  This has been so since
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_the_Church_of_the_Nativity_in_Bethlehem.  You might recall that siege.  Palestinian freedom fighters, who had taken refuge where the crypt is the focus of the birth of Jesus, ran out at times to get water from the well.  They were shot dead or fatally wounded, to lie without succour.  This about 2000 years since that birth.
I have been to the fragment, Gaza, and to the larger Palestine, 10 times.  I have been barred since 2008 by the occupier having been one of sixteen people that the occupier tried to drown by ramming our vessel 30-12-03     https://dhalpin.infoaction.org.uk/videos/16-palestine/69-dignity-ramming-interview-with-david-halpin   one of three gun boats, 66 miles off Haifa, in the dark and in a stiff sea.  We were on our way to join with 1.6 million people being bombed, shelled, shot and poisoned in that 1.5% of the land area of PALESTINE. as shown at the front of English Bibles - pre-1950. 

The evil of Israel is infinite, but so is that of the 'west'.  We celebrate the birth as we continue to send bombs to Saudi Arabia for its bombing of families (mostly) in the Yemen, and parts for sniper rifles used by Israeli 'soldiers' for killing over 300 citizens of Gaza and maiming thousands by exploding their knee joints - this during every Friday since 30-03-2018 - The Great March of Return.  All this is reported fully by the UN? and on the net, but NOT on the BBC.  Its motto 'Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation'

for truth

David (Halpin FRCS)  recent Independent Candidate for the Newton Abbot constituency.

Love to you Vacy 


Little Drummer Boy - Voices from Bethlehem

For those who don't know Arabic, the last two singers of this amazing quintet draw a connection between Jesus' poverty and the poverty of the Palestinian children being born today in the West Bank. (Add Gaza) Here's some of the literal translation: The children of Christmas [(Bethlehem)] have two faces: One face smiles; the other is sad. Sadness comes out from their viscera; It screams: We have famine. No one's listening. And the scream is muffled [by the festivities]. The poem, however, is not all doom and gloom. It ends on an optimistic note: In a small cave, a poor child was born. He proclaimed that great happiness is ahead. That they will be "saved" from their sadness and pain. And for those who are not much into politics or don't know about the plights of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, here are some facts: The Palestinian Territories, living under harsh Israeli occupation, is a home to one of the densest and poorest populations in the world. Bethlehem is now encircled and encroached upon by dozens of Israeli settlements and the Israeli West Bank barrier, which separates both Muslim and Christian communities from their land and livelihoods, and sees a steady exodus of those from both communities being driven out.
Dr Vacy Vlazna
Justice for Palestine Matters     https://www.justiceforpalestine.org.uk/
Sydney, Guringai, Australia