27 December 2004


We are keen to extend the scheme for which Hammad is the model. Louise Bould, a young teacher in Dorset, has been helping this lad and his very poor family with a monthly standing order of £15. I met him and his family again this October. An interesting interview with the whole family was made on the camcorder and Louise will soon be seeing a copy.

There are thousands of such youngsters who could do with help but we have to start somewhere. Nihad is finding 5 girls and 5 boys who will be embraced by the scheme. We have emphasized that academic potential is not the only qualification; youngsters who are less bright or even handicapped may be included. We will match them with individuals or groups back here who are prepared to contribute about £15 -20 per month.

This might be raised by groups having little lunches etc for fund raising. When there is a get together, the photos and reports that Nihad will send back every 3 to 6 months will be available. The benefits of such help will be seen and this will be the source of great satisfaction. Involvement with our young brothers and sisters will grow across 3000 miles.

Dove and Dolphin bank account:-

HSBC Bank plc, 42, Courtenay St. NEWTON ABBOT Devon TQ12 2EB

Account name - The Dove and The Dolphin Charity No. 1100119

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Then please send to The Dove and The Dolphin Charity, c/o Kiln Shotts, Haytor, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ13 9XR

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